The Complete Pallet Cages Buying Guide

Industrial cages

If you work in the warehouse industry, you’re familiar with the significant investments made by owners and project managers in equipment, warehouse cage storage, and facilities. This strategic approach is essential to meet operational needs and ensure that materials can withstand heavy workloads over an extended period of time. Wood pallets are commonly used for material handling support, but for materials requiring enhanced protection, steel mesh pallet cages are the ideal solution. If you are new to this field or unsure of what to choose, consider the following factors.

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Test And Tag Equipment 101

If you’re in the construction industry, you have probably heard about test and tag. But, if you are new to this the whole process is nothing but checking the safety of portable electrical appliances. This way the employer makes sure that everything works well and that is safe for use. In Australia, there is a requirement in industries such as construction or mining, to test and tag equipment every three months. However, for people who aren’t in this isn’t a rule. If you are getting your knowledge and education in this area, you will get a certificate so you can later perform this testing and tagging (you don’t have to be an electrician). Here are some of the most basic information you should know about this process.

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Essential Workshop Industrial Hardware and Supplies

In the world of both power tools and hand tools, there are two categories you can put them in, commercial and industrial grade. Commercial-grade power and hand tools are made to be used by the general public mainly in your garage, household, or workshop. Because of that they are often considered to be underpowered and having a shorter lifespan than industrial-grade tools.

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How to Choose the Right Diamond Saw Blade

Being able to cut through all kinds of materials, that is what diamond blades are able to do. Diamond saws are the most commonly used tools when it comes to cutting a variety of materials. They are big and strong with a steel core to support the capabilities of the diamond blade. The amount of diamond in the blade is what determines the quality of the cuts it will make.

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Radiodetection CAT Tools: Get the Results You Want


Most of the things we take for granted today like water, electricity, and internet access all rely on underground infrastructure. Yes even, the internet relies on underground cables which connect continents too. But despite being underground cables can get in the way of things or even get damaged. To ensure that they are untouched and repair some that do get damaged there are devices used to detect issues and locate cables. These are known as CATs or cable avoidance tools which are also known as cable or utility locators.

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Four Modified Utility Trailers to Make Your Work Easier

Utility Trailer

Many Aussies are aware of the benefits of having a universal trailer at your disposal. They are very handy for regular tasks around the farm or while working as a tradie. This is an integral part of our way of living and we have learned to recognize a good trailer when we see one.

Multi purpose trailers are sturdy and they can take a beating from the elements. Their application is mostly limited by the load capacity. And of course, if you are looking for a specific use you might need to get another unit. Sometimes the requirements are so unique you are simply tempted to modify your existing universal trailer, especially if you need the upgrade professionally.

Then again, you can’t do all trailer upgrades on your own. Even if you could, it would take way too much time and effort to do so. You can always turn to those that know their trade. Continue reading

Towing a Scissor Lift with a Trailer

Scissor Lift Trailer

Often found in construction and facility maintenance applications, scissor lifts are made to elevate workers together with their tools up to heights from 5.9 to 17.9 m. These self-propelled machines are named after their core mechanism which works much like a scissor when you lower and raise the platform. Also known as slab scissors, scissor lifts are intended to be used on concrete slab surfaces and depending on the model they can access job sites through single or double doors. Although scissor lifts come with solid non-marking tires sometimes they need a ride to another job site due to their slow travelling speed. For this, you need a scissor lift trailer. Continue reading

Important Factors to Consider When Choosing a Flat Deck Trailer

flat deck trailer

If you’re looking for a trailer that can help you transport a wide range of containers and loads, you’re probably wondering what type of trailer is best suited for your purpose. Flat deck trailers are one of the most popular type, as they come in a wide range of length, weight and purposes. For that reason, if you’re looking for flat deck trailers for sale, you’ll need to know what to look for, because even though they’re similar in construction and design, they are quite different in how much and what they can carry. That being said, here’s what you need to consider when shopping flat deck trailers to make sure you get the right one. Continue reading