How to Choose the Right Safety Boots for Heavy-Duty Professions

working with steel blue boots

Picking the right work shoes for your job is essential for your protection. Safety footwear is mandatory for workers who are exposed to the possibility of foot injuries. If your work puts you at constant risk of hurting your feet, then maybe it’s time to pick shoes that will protect you.

non slip boots

If there is a chance of heavy objects falling on top of your foot, then you should consider getting safety boots. In general, these types of boots are an excellent choice for construction workers, but also for people who work in areas where they’re exposed to electric shock, explosive atmospheres with a risk of electrostatic discharge, or if you work in a forest environment.

Why Wear Safety Shoes?

man wearing fxd safety boots

Did you know that almost 10% of injuries caused by accidents at the workplace are foot injuries? Wearing safety footwear will keep your feet protected from heavy objects rolling or landing on top of your toes. If you’re a worker who is exposed to a high risk of foot injuries (construction worker, engineer, electrician) then these type of shoes and boots should be part of your uniform. In fact, not wearing such shoes you are exposing yourself to risk and put your employer at the risk of labour inspection sanctions.

Safety Footwear Categories

boots with safety toe cap illustration

Safety boots – these are the most common type of safety footwear, come with protective toe-caps and other safety features such as penetration-resistant mid-soles, slip-resistant soles, and insulation against extremes of heat and cold.

Safety shoes – just like safety boots, these shoes include protective steel toe-caps. They’re often lighter since they don’t contain metal.

Safety trainers – these shoes are considered more aesthetically pleasing than the rest, because of their casual look. Some models have steel toe caps while others have plastic.

Clogs – these too can be used as safety footwear. Traditionally, they’re made from beech wood and some models come with steel toe-caps and thin rubber sole.

How to Choose the Right Safety Toes

If you work on rough or unstable terrain and are exposed to a serious risk of slips and falls, then your shoes should protect your toes, ankles and feet. Besides having shoes with safe and thick soles, you should get a pair that will protect your toes from fractures and other injuries. There are three safety toe options. Let’s check them.

Steel toe – These boots are the standard models. People buy steel toe safety boots to protect their toes from falling objects. That being said, these shoes are ideal for construction workers, firemen, people who work in the forest area.

Aluminium toe – Alloy toe work boots are made of lightweight materials and are about 30 – 50% lighter than steel. These shoes will give you the same level of safety as steel but are less heavy and have more space to move your foot since the aluminium is a thinner material.

Composite (non-metal) toe – This work footwear has non-metallic safety toe caps and is lighter than steel toe safety boots and shoes. They’re an excellent choice if you need electrical resistance (if you work in electrical environments). These shoes don’t contain metal, therefore they don’t conduct heat and cold (ideal for extremely hot or cold weather).

Safety Shoes for Truck Drivers

truck driver sitting in front of his truck and wearing protective boots

If you’re a truck driver, your feet are exposed to a risk of injuries. Choose steel or composite toe cap footwear to prevent heavy object falling (or rolling) over your toes. This is a basic level of protection to your toes; chose safety boots that will keep your ankles safe as well.

Safety Shoes for Electricians

electrician shoes

If your job requires you to work with electrics, you should pick safety shoes that don’t contain any metal. Electrical hazard safety boots are isolated, which means they provide you with a secondary source of protection from potential electric shocks. This type of footwear is made from non-conductive materials so no electrical charge will pass through your body, thanks to the adequate isolation. Keep in mind that wearing these shoes in wet areas may reduce their ability to keep you safe. This is why electrical hazard rated safety boots are recommended to be work in dry areas.

Safety Shoes for Construction Workers

construction worker boots

If you’re a construction worker you already know how risky it is to walk on site. Chances for objects to fall over your toes are high. You’re moving heavy materials all day long which means your feet are at least once going to be exposed to the risk of an accident. Steel cap work boots are the best choice. We recommend boots instead of shoes because they provide better protection to the entire foot (toes, heels and ankles). These type of boots are an excellent choice for mechanics as well.

Safety Shoes for Engineers

work boots for engineers

If your work is related to electronic products and static charges then you will need the ESD (Electro Static Discharge) safety shoes or boots. If you are not in contact with these products during your work then the steel or composite toe cap safety boot will be enough to keep you safe.

Safety Shoes for Restaurant Workers

safety shoes for waiter

Perhaps you didn’t think that restaurant workers would take place on this list, but they too are exposed to risks of injuring their toes. If you work in a restaurant (waiter or a chef), you are exposed to the risk of sharp objects like knives falling on your feet. Besides that, plates or trays with heavy loads are a serious risk as well. Get safety shoes with steel or aluminium toe; shoes can fit better with your uniform and allow you easier walking and movements.

Pick the right footwear based on your needs. Although shoes are more comfortable, boots offer bigger protection (not only to your toes but the entire foot). Make sure the pair your footwear is made to fit the standards for your profession. Always purchase your shoes from manufacturers that follow norms and use top-quality materials. Purchasing safety footwear is a smart investment that would prevent any unwanted accidents at your workplace.

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