Things to Know Before Buying a Warehouse Trolley

timber trolleys

Trolleys are one of the most important pieces of equipment warehouses, production facilities and many other industries that deal with managing heavy loads can get. They’re the more affordable and more simplistic solution to the forklift, and while they do require some level of manual labour to operate, they still take a ton of weight off of employees. However, just like forklifts, not all trolleys are made the same. For industrial and warehouse purposes, you’ll want a trolley that can withstand heavy weight and is easy to maneuver in tight places. Further, you’ll want a trolley that fits your specific application. For instance, timber trolleys are specifically designed to safely handle timber, whereas ladder trolleys are ideal for applications where you need to reach items from a high rack.

Although some trolleys, like timber trolleys, can be used for a wide range of purposes like general material handling, some specialised trolleys serve a very specific purpose only. That being said, you want to consider how versatile you need the trolley to be before making a choice that you may find out won’t be usable for all of your applications. For instance, if the items you need to transport are oddly shaped, then you might want to consider a shelved trolley which will prevent them from falling over during transport. On the other hand, if you’re moving crates or boxes, that can be packed and stacked nicely, you don’t need such a feature, meaning you can get a model that doesn’t have shelves and is more affordable as a result.

trolleys moving crates or boxes

That being said, you want a trolley that can meet your material handling needs, and exceeds them. In order to ensure that, you need a reputable trolley supplier that can give you just what you need. Don’t compromise on quality, and pick a trolley that uses top-grade materials in its construction. Make sure the trolley meets all relevant industry standards. Further, check whether the manufacturer and supplier offer any other services besides selling the trolley. Things like free delivery, an extended warranty or servicing can all impact the trolley’s price and value.

And lastly, check the supplier’s past records and history to find out how reliable they are. This is especially important when shopping online, as there’s no way to make sure you’re buying something that’s exactly as it’s promised in the description. Now that you’ve informed yourself about the most important things to note when buying trolleys, good luck finding what you need.

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